


自诞生至今,米乐m6 门窗,以“安全系统门窗”为品牌核心理念,经过多年的沉淀、创新,已成为中国系统门窗应用解决方案提供商。2021年,品牌完成战略升级,在明确继续践行以“安全”为品牌核心的基础上,把“为爱定制安全家”作为品牌核心主张,并以聚焦门窗安全的创新和完善,为消费者提供安全可靠的门窗产品为品牌发展的使命,树立行业安全系统门窗的示范形象,为千万中国家庭定制节能环保、安全舒适的安全系统门窗产品新体验。
米乐m6 门窗坐落于广东佛山市,拥有70000㎡航母级生产基地,配备国际领先的全自动化生产线,以打造"智能产品、智慧工厂"为目标,以实现更高品质生产,更高效率交付。公司注重产品研发与技术创新,拥有100多项国家专利,其中以"四面六点锁"专利发明尤能凸显米乐m6 打造安全门窗的领航技术实力。目前,公司的营销网络已覆盖全国28个省市自治区,布局700多家标准化专卖店,让更多的家庭拥有美好生活,标杆实力,领跑行业。
米乐m6 与德国进口品牌“维哈根(Wehag)”、“南华铝材”"、“信义(XYG)”、“信高隔热条”“瑞易得(RUIYIDE)”、等优秀供应商达成战略合作协议,先后获得了"欧盟CE认证"、"ISO9001-2015国际质量管理体系认证","澳洲AS2047证书"、美国NFRC认证,构建起完善的质量管理体系。载誉前行,米乐m6 门窗先后获得了"中国米乐m6 门窗十大品牌"、"中国米乐m6 门窗十佳品牌"、“门窗十大质量品牌”、“2021集创新力品牌奖”以及由广东省科学技术厅颁发的高新技术企业,和中国航天航空优秀供应商“天元胶”战略合作伙伴等诸多称号,并连续2年蝉联"中国安全门窗百强",和多个“消费者喜爱十大品牌”的奖项,让品牌在家居行业树立了示范形象,并在市场里获得了广大消费者的一致喜爱。

About us

Since its birth, with "safety system doors and windows" as the core concept of the brand, Deji excellent doors and windows has become a provider of application solutions for system doors and windows in China after years of precipitation and innovation. In 2021, the brand will complete the strategic upgrading. On the basis of clearly continuing to practice "safety" as the core of the brand, the brand will take "customizing a safe home for love" as the core proposition of the brand, focus on the innovation and improvement of door and window safety, provide consumers with safe and reliable door and window products as the mission of brand development, and establish the demonstration image of safety system doors and windows in the industry, Customize energy-saving, environment-friendly, safe and comfortable safety system door and window products for tens of millions of Chinese families. Located in Foshan City, Guangdong Province, Deji superior doors and windows has 70000 ㎡ aircraft carrier production base and 100000 ㎡ Jiangxi sub base, equipped with international leading fully automated production line, aiming at building "intelligent products and smart factory", so as to achieve higher quality production and more efficient delivery. Focusing on product R & D and technological innovation, the company has more than 100 national patents, among which the patented invention of "four side six point lock" can particularly highlight the leading technical strength of German technology and excellent products to create safe doors and windows. At present, the company's marketing network has covered 28 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China, with more than 700 standardized stores, so that more families can have a better life, benchmark strength and lead the industry. German technology superior products and German imported brand "wehag" "Nanhua aluminum", "Xinyi (xYG)", "Xingao insulation strip", "ruiyide" and other excellent suppliers have reached strategic cooperation agreements, and have successively obtained "EU CE certification", "iso9001-2015 international quality management system certification" and Australian as2047 certificate "And NFRC certification in the United States, building a perfect quality management system. With a good reputation, German technology excellent doors and windows have successively won the" top ten brands of aluminum alloy doors and windows in China "," top ten brands of aluminum alloy doors and windows in China "," top ten quality brands of doors and windows "," 2021 innovation brand award ", as well as the high-tech enterprise issued by the Department of science and technology of Guangdong Province and the excellent supplier of China Aerospace Many titles such as "Tianyuan glue" strategic partner, and won the "top 100 safe doors and windows in China" for two consecutive years, as well as several awards of "top ten brands loved by consumers", so that the brand has established a demonstration image in the home industry and won the unanimous love of the majority of consumers in the market.


瞄准米乐m6 门窗五金不靠谱保障的企业创新和健全完善,为交易者给出不靠谱保障不靠谱的米乐m6 门窗五金新产品


米乐m6 网以“健康防护”为知名牌子中心区,强调健康防护做大做强知名牌子中心区总价值,并根据知名牌子“360健康防护装置的”,为你私人订制健康防护家,“360健康防护装置的”,即3大健康防护竟争力,周到加强党性修养健康防护服务理念。
  • 3大安全实力
  • 6大安全技术
  • 0距离服务响应

规模 | 行业旗舰级生产实力

70000㎡当代化分娩集散地,从严实行的安全的分娩准则,施工工艺卓绝、智能化是应有尽有、商品发达、质保期加强制度建设,并还有一个支更强的商品研发部门去创新技术组织, 体现了“产”、“研”、“销”、“市”完成的安全的米乐m6 窗的去创新技术与分娩。

智造 | 工业4.0领先智造实力

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